Case Study


Reviving GoodyBro: Upturn's Strategic Spark Ignites Retail Triumph

Strategy and Solution
Related Capabilities


A Tangled Thread

Even in the bustling world of apparel sales and brand recognition, clothing brands can find themselves entangled when subjected to detailed analysis. GoodyBro, despite initial promise with its unique proposition of solid-colored garments, began experiencing diminishing returns, eventually spiraling into negative territory. It was at this juncture that Upturn stepped in.

Partnering with Upturn has revolutionized GoodyBro's operations. Their adept handling of inventory management and strategic financial advice has propelled us to new heights. From optimizing our digital infrastructure to securing vital investments, Upturn's commitment to excellence has truly set them apart as indispensable allies in our journey towards success.

IBRAHIM KAMRUL SHAFIN, Co-Founder and CEO - GoodyBro

Strategy and Solution

Untangling the Knots

Untangling the mess required a comprehensive approach. Upturn conducted thorough data analysis to pinpoint various bottlenecks plaguing GoodyBro, including excessive expenses, redundant inventory, and cash flow issues. Acting as growth partners, Upturn then streamlined GoodyBro's operations and strategies for improved profitability.


Upturn's Stitch

Digital Integration:

Embracing digital transformation proved instrumental in GoodyBro's revival. GoodyBro had been using disparate software systems, leading to fragmented data and operational inefficiencies. Upturn leveraged its expertise to consolidate data from platforms like Shopify, providing easily interpretable visual dashboards. The implementation of a Barcode system facilitated:some text

  • Identification and reduction of damaged inventory, thus cutting operational costs.
  • Categorization of product movement speed, optimizing inventory management and minimizing ordering expenses.
  • Analysis revealing excessive spending on marketing, prompting strategic adjustments in digital marketing efforts.

Funding Optimization:

Upturn redirected focus towards securing investment to bolster resources for upcoming seasons, thus offsetting previous losses:some text

  • Investor Engagement: GoodyBro embarked on a quest to attract investors and secure loans from angel investors, ensuring sufficient funds for future endeavors.

The Result

With Upturn's guidance, GoodyBro's transformation heralded a new era of prosperity:

  • Substantial reduction in ordering costs and holding costs.
  • Implementation of digital inventory management systems, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  • Boost in sales during festive seasons, notably Eid.
  • Resource allocation optimized based on data insights, resulting in significant cost reductions.

We take pride in seeing GoodyBro reach new heights. Cheers for the future!

MAHIR HOSSAIN, Founder and CEO - Upturn

GoodyBro's journey epitomizes the transformative power of strategic collaboration. With Upturn's expert guidance, this once-struggling brand didn't just weather the storm—it soared to unprecedented heights. Upturn's adept handling of operations and innovative strategies served as the catalyst for GoodyBro's remarkable turnaround. It's a testament to the fact that with the right partner by your side, even the most modest beginnings can evolve into triumphs that resonate across the industry.

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