Case Study

Southern Multipack

From Mystery to Mastery - Unlocking Growth Through Data-Driven Transformation

Strategy and Solution
Related Capabilities


The Mystery

Being a market leader has its perks. The story of Southern Multipack with no benign competitors, a niche market, great sales and operations efficiency is apparently of a great success, until it wasn’t.

How would they solve the unexpected mismatch of business valuation? How can they even know if any profit even exists? Everything lies in the concurrent transformation of business processes that was unfolded by Upturn.

Transitioning from manual to digital bookkeeping was a significant leap for us at Southern Multipack, and Upturn made the unfamiliar journey seamless. What truly sets them apart is their unwavering commitment, which surpassed contractual obligations by extending support to uncover transformative market opportunities for us. Thanks to Upturn, we have not only eliminated inaccuracies but also realized our definite potential.

DILDER HOSSAIN, Partner - Southern Multipack

Strategy and Solution

The Pin Down

The first piece of the puzzle was ensuring data validity through financial health analysis. The evident hiccup is most of the time a mere symptom of the underlying problem. A thorough internal audit led Upturn to the root problems being an ineffective accounting system and lack of proper marketing efforts.

Eating the Frog

Quickbooks became the go to solution for their accounting problems that rooted from the huge piles of manual ledgers that they maintained. Although it proved to be a bit troublesome to get everyone used to it given their long term practices of using a conventional system of ledgers, this had solved most of the problems. The key takeaways being:

  • Error free accounting: Eliminating the problems of manually feeding the data into the ledgers, the digital accounting system would do most of the world that where error prone.
  • Time saving: While most of the accounting work became digitized, manual and recursive work was removed from the picture. Effectively having a huge positive impact on efficiency and time savings.
  • Accuracy: The only error prone part in accounting in this case was human error. Ensuring that was out of the picture guaranteed a system at the epitome of accuracy

Side Dishes

Helping them in market targeting was another crucial part of the effort we put into painting the picture. Besides this, fixing their budgeting strategies was another important aspect that was supported by the digital accounting system integrated earlier.


Upturn’s Intervention

  • Quickbooks to the Rescue:

Upturn implemented Quickbooks, replacing the manual ledgers and streamlining accounting. This delivered:

  1. Time Savings: Repetitive tasks were automated, freeing up at least 30% of the managers' time for business expansion and implementation.
  • Sales Blitz:

Upturn shifted the focus to sales, crafting targeted marketing strategies and market analyses. This led to:

  1. R&D Revolution: Customer mapping revealed untapped potential in new areas. Upturn inspired the development of a new product to capitalize on this opportunity, fostering innovation and future growth.
  2. Increased Revenue: Average monthly revenue soared by 2 million BDT from the third month, proving the effectiveness of the R&D inspired by Upturn.
  • Decision-making Agility:

Upturn switched performance evaluations from yearly to monthly, enabling quicker decision-making and adjustments based on real-time data.

The Result

Southern Multipack's transformation, guided by Upturn, unlocked a new era of success:

  • Boosted Efficiency: Streamlined processes and digital tools saved time and resources, freeing up managers to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Data-driven Growth: Accurate financial data and real-time performance insights empowered informed decision-making and proactive growth strategies.
  • Market Expansion: The new product, born from customer insights, opened doors to new types of markets, fueling further revenue growth.
  • Sustainable Future: Upturn's solutions laid the foundation for long-term success, ensuring Southern Multipack maintains its dominance while adapting to the evolving market.

It's incredibly rewarding to know that our expertise has made a tangible difference for Southern Multipack.

MAHIR HOSSAIN, Founder and CEO - Upturn

Southern Multipack's journey is a testament to the power of strategic intervention and expert guidance. By partnering with Upturn, they transformed from a company shrouded in mystery to a master of their market, setting sail for a future of sustainable growth.

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